I am a master at East China Normal University (2022-2025), mentored by Prof. TingSu. My research interests revolve around static program analysis. I’m conducting static program analysis work (2024.09.30 -) on HarmonyOS NEXT APP within Ark Compiler at Huawei ‘s 2012 Lab (可信理论、技术与工程实验室). At the same time, I am engaged in research on delta debugging.
Github ID: lazyanalyzer, Gitee ID: lazyanalyzer :-D
B.Eng. 烟台大学
If you have any issues to discuss, feel free to contact me via email: work.ml-ming@pm.me.
Finding and Understanding Defects in Static Analyzers by Constructing Automated Oracles
Weigang He, Peng Di, Mengli Ming, Chengyu Zhang, Ting Su, Shijie Li and Yulei Sui
In Proceedings of FSE 2024.
Highlights: This work has found 38 unique defects in Clang Static Analyzer, GCC Static Analyzer, and Pinpoint.
PS: I am refactoring the tool for this paper.
🛠️ Software Analysis, Testing and Verification - Fall 2023
🛠️ Software Analysis, Testing and Verification - Fall 2024